Here is what is coming up!
To stay up to date with our book clubs, women's circles and other groups,
please visit our Faith Formation & Spirituality Groups page.
For more info on our Community Outreach events,
please visit our Community Outreach page.

Lenten Concert Series: St. Louis Irish Arts
Friday, March 14 at 12 PM in the Chapel
Join us for half-hour concerts every Friday at noon in the Chapel. Concerts are free, family-friendly and wheelchair accessible. Dress code is casual.

Con Spirito Concert: No Name Chorale
Sunday, March 16 at 3 PM in the Sanctuary
No-Name Chorale began in 2014 with artistic director and founder, Andy Jensen in Belleville, IL. The mission of this volunteer community choir is to create meaningful shared experiences through the art of choral singing and to cultivate an appreciation of choral music in new audiences by presenting fine-art music in an approachable, welcoming manner. Admission to this concert is free.

Lenten Concert Series:
Patrick Rafferty, Guitar
Friday, March 21 at 12 PM in the Chapel
Join us for half-hour concerts every Friday at noon in the Chapel. Concerts are free, family-friendly and wheelchair accessible. Dress code is casual.

Doubles Golf League
Register by Sunday, March 23
We’re starting a Church Doubles Golf League running from April to October!
Format: Match play, leading to a playoff.
Sign up: Submit your name and handicaps (estimated if you don’t have one) as a pair or as a single (we'll match you up).
How to join: email Rev'd Gary Noonan to sign up.

Lenten Concert Series:
Perseid String Quartet
Friday, March 28 at 12 PM in the Chapel
Join us for half-hour concerts every Friday at noon in the Chapel. Concerts are free, family-friendly and wheelchair accessible. Dress code is casual.

New Member Class
03/30 & 04/06 at 10 AM in the Chapel
If you would like to know more information about the Presbyterian Church(USA), this congregation and ways to get involved, there will be an informational class held Sunday, March 30th (and an additional one held on April 6th) at approximately 10:00 a.m. following 9:05 a.m. worship in the Tree of Life Chapel. Then, on Sunday, April 13th (Palm Sunday), you will formally join the church during the worship service. Please contact Pastor Linda with any questions.

Family Event: Minute to Win It
Sunday, March 30 at 3 PM
Come have some fun competing in Minute to Win It games. No points are kept but we will have challenges designed for different ages during the afternoon! RSVP to Rob Monroe so that we can be sure to have enough snacks to go around.
“Family” is defined by any relationship to FPC Kirkwood.

Lenten Concert Series:
Terri Langerak, Harp
Friday, April 4 at 12 PM in the Chapel
Join us for half-hour concerts every Friday at noon in the Chapel. Concerts are free, family-friendly and wheelchair accessible. Dress code is casual.

Work Camp Auction & Dinner
Sunday, April 6 in Fellowship Hall
Plan now to join us for dinner and bidding on silent auction items, a handful of live items, and lots of desserts. Every dollar we raise at the Auction goes toward the costs of our Youth Work Camp trip. Right now we are seeking donations – gift cards and tickets to events or sports are also always big money for us! If you are a creator – knitter, painter, woodworker, etc – we would love to showcase what you love to do! Contact Rob Monroe with questions.

Lenten Concert Series:
Keith Wehmeier, Countertenor
Friday, April 11 at 12 PM in the Chapel
Join us for half-hour concerts every Friday at noon in the Chapel. Concerts are free, family-friendly and wheelchair accessible. Dress code is casual.

Lenten Concert Series:
Tooke Memorial Good Friday Concert
Dan Forrest's "Requiem for the Living"
Friday, April 18 at 12 PM in the Sanctuary
Join us for half-hour concerts every Friday at noon in the Chapel. Concerts are free, family-friendly and wheelchair accessible. Dress code is casual.

Con Spirito Concert:
Annual Organ Dedication Anniversary Recital
Damin Spritzer
Sunday, May 4 at 3 PM in the Sanctuary
Area Chair and Associate Professor of Organ Dr. Damin Spritzer has been with the University of Oklahoma since 2014. She continues work with the Cathedral Church of Saint Matthew in Dallas as Artist-in-Residence for Cathedral Arts and is active in the Dallas and Oklahoma City Chapters of the American Guild of Organists. Admission is free.