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Faith Formation & Spirituality Groups

We have a place for everyone!

At First Pres, Kirkwood adults connect through fellowship before and after worship, at special events like our annual Christmas Choir Concert and Dinner, wine tastings at Grapevine Wine, singing in the choir, serving on a committee like Buildings and Grounds, or attending a Sunday School class. All of our activities involve groups of people coming together in mutual respect and support. To learn more about connecting at church contact the Church Office at or click through the links to check out the groups below!




Book Clubs

Women's Circles

Faith Formation

Discussing Faith in Today's World

Christian Concerns

Book Clubs

Please reach out to the Church Office and we can send you contact info!

Tuesday Book Club: In March, the Tuesday Book Club will be discussing 

HOW TO KNOW A PERSON: The Art of Seeing Others Deeply and Being Deeply Seen, by David Brooks. The group meets each Tuesday at 10:00 a.m. in the Fireplace Room to discuss segments of the current book, as well as discussing meaningful topics inspired by our reading. Everyone is welcome to join in. 


Wednesday Book Club: The next meeting of the Wednesday Book Club will be March 26 at 1:30 p.m. over Zoom. We will be reading by The Women by Kristen Hannah which follows a young woman’s harrowing journey as a nurse in the Vietnam War.  


History Book Group: We will discuss Becoming Kim Jong Un by Jung H. Pak on Thursday, March 27, at 10:30 a.m. at church.  The author — a Fulbright scholar, PhD from Columbia University, former analyst at the CIA and Office of National Intelligence — is regarded as one of the nation's foremost authorities on what has been called 'the most dangerous regime on earth.'  

Book Clubs

Women's Circles

A “circle” is group of women who meet for fellowship, mission, bible study and other interests or activities. Please reach out to the Church Office and we can send you Contact Info!

  • Esther Circle meets on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 11:00 a.m. in the Gathering Space. 

  • Karen Circle meets on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. in Room 028. 

  • Sarah Circle meets on the 2nd Monday of the month at 2:00 p.m. in the Church Lounge.

Women's Circles

Faith Formation

The objective of faith and spiritual formation is the conscious integration of a worldview that recognizes the presence of the God who dwells among and within us (Luke 17: 20-21).

Our Spiritual Formation group gathers monthly to read together and reflect on aspects of our spirituality. We read and reflect on brief articles pertaining to the spiritual life; pausing periodically to reflect on and discuss words, phrases and ideas that stand out to us. We meet remotely via Google Meet on the 2nd Sunday of each month from 9-10:00 a.m. Please contact the Church Office if you're interested! 

Faith Formation
Discussing Faith in Today's World

Discussing Faith in Today's World

New Adult Sunday School Class

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A new adult spiritual formation class is being held at 10:00 a.m. in the Fireplace Room each week. This class is being taught by Sara Butler and Peter Hurd and they are using Animate curriculum. Here is what is coming up in the next several weeks:


  • God: Faith is a quest

  • Religion: Spirituality is not enough

  • Jesus: The revolution of love

  • Salvation: Abundant life now

  • Cross: Where God is


This class will be an opportunity to learn and grow in your own spiritual life. All adults are invited to attend!

Christian Concerns

Each Sunday morning during the program year a speaker from the community is invited to the Christian Concerns Class on Sunday morning. This class covers a variety of topics including history, environmental concerns, and theology.

Here is a preview of what is coming up!

9:30-10:30 a.m. in Room 009 


March 30: We will be listening to to a YouTube presentation from Diane Whitmore

about her research on childhood poverty, learning and food insecurity. 


April 6: George Durnell will continue his discussion on “Vesper Psalms of the Confessor” by Mozart. The ZOOM invite will contain a YouTube web address for those listening to these works remotely.


Christian Concerns is also shown on Zoom for those at home!

Please contact the Church Office for the link.

Christian Concerns

First Presbyterian

Church of Kirkwood

100 E. Adams Ave.

Kirkwood, MO 63122

(314) 965-0326

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©2025 by First Presbyterian Church of Kirkwood

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